Bronze Fountain Maquette by George Tsutakawa

Wing Luke Museum Collection 2009.011.001 Bronze Fountain Maquette by George Tsutakawa (for the fountain originally installed at the former Seattle First National Bank, Seattle, 1969)

Wing Luke Museum Collection 2009.011.001
Bronze Fountain Maquette by George Tsutakawa (for the fountain originally installed at the former Seattle First National Bank, Seattle, 1969)

Featured here is a bronze fountain maquette by artist George Tsutakawa, part of the Wing Luke Museum's collection. This maquette (a sculptor's small preliminary model) was created for a fountain originally installed at the former Seattle First National Bank courtyard in Seattle in 1969, one of many that George fabricated over his career. 

Similar maquettes and other public art examples will be featured in the upcoming exhibition at the Wing Luke Museum, "Gerard Tsutakawa: Stories Shaped in Bronze" which opens on Friday, June 11. Explore the inspiration, design, and fabrication process of public sculptures by Gerard Tsutakawa, George Tsutakawa's son, as well as the effect both artists have had on Seattle physically, socially and culturally. Gerard Tsutakawa is an established and celebrated artist in his own right--with his own distinct style--and has continued his father’s legacy of public art, creating pieces that have physical and emotional impressions on current and future generations. 

Max Chan