Artist Bio  

Taylor Wang is a young artist whose work reflects the unique experiences she has gained in adolescence. Wang hopes to use her art as a vessel to express the fear and uncertainty of growing up as part of an interconnected, socially conscious generation. Through art, she creates open conversation across generations about mental health, identity, and contemporary issues. Find her art on 

Artist Statement 

When my mother came to America in 1995, she had all but $500 in her pocket. Over the span of 40 years, what started as waiting restaurants for minimum wage and learning English at a local night college turned into a thriving medical practice. She and my father had only one decoration in their small apartment -- in the broom closet, a red and yellow Chinese poster that read "加油”, which translates to "Work Hard". As the daughter of first-generation Chinese immigrants, I never want to forget the courage and discipline it took to leave everything behind for an unknown country and language. 

Social Media

Instagram: @yingshiart 
